Our clients tell us that they value us for our:
Depth of challenge: our clients tell us we stretch them deeper and wider than other companies; asking more of each individual personally and more of the company itself than might otherwise have been requested.
Courage: We ask the difficult question when it needs to be asked. We know that without challenge we are underdelivering and we are always looking for more from you.
Inspiration: Our philosophy is inspiration not motivation – we aim to inspire you and your employees to greater results by digging deeper within yourselves. Change is therefore more lasting when it is from the inside out.
Humour: We believe in putting the fun back into work. Our clients tell us we challenge them deeply with our humour and light outlook.
Strategic approach: We don’t sell coaching; we sell results. We partner with our clients to plan and achieve outstanding results and we drill down deep to make sure that you are clear on your success criteria before we start.
Intimacy and flexibility: We are easy to approach and have a very human outlook. We will respond quickly and thoroughly to your requests and you will always have a key contact who project manages your coahcing initiative.