Coaching as a management competency is a very different skill to being an internal coach. Our “Coaching Skills for Managers” programmes are tailored to your individual requirements and business drivers, whilst drawing on our extensive coaching experience and expertise.
Having undergone this training your managers will be better placed to enhance their team’s performance, model the type of behaviour expected of your company’s managers, know when to coach and when not to and have a thorough knowledge of the skills of coaching and how to employ them for best effect within the company.
Many companies have a rather ad hoc approach to training their line managers in coaching skills – and many expect them to coach without sufficient training. Most appear not to deliver ongoing support and development for their managers in the field of coaching. We therefore offer a range of services in this field. We will bespoke the services to fit your needs and budget, but the following is an outline of possible approaches:
An introduction to Coaching Skills for Managers:
Half or one day coaching awareness training for managers. At the end of this training the managers will leave with an understanding of what coaching is, how it can impact their company and some training on and experience of some of the core coaching competencies.They will also have a list of personal action steps to put straight into practice.
Coaching Skills for Managers:
Generally two to four days of coaching training spread over 1-3 months to allow for putting concepts into practice befor further development takes place.Your managers will leave this training programme with plenty of learning and experience in the use of coaching within their management style. They will have done some coaching with their team and will have a Professional Development Blueprint for putting their learning into practice.
Advanced Masterclasses for Managers:
We can design and deliver specific training days for the onward development of managers who have already attended coach training programmes. These can be any length from 90 minute teleconferences to several days depending on requirements.Ongoing Coaching and Coach Mentoring for Managers:
Managers who attend training programmes then face a lot of everyday challenges to their learning – when to coach and when to tell? How to coach when time is very tight? How to coach when your coachee wants to be told?Ongoing coaching in groups and/or one to one can be invaluable in embedding the learning and developing your strong managers into inspiring leaders.
The Coaching Leader Programme:
Very senior people are now starting to demand coaching skills for themselves. We can bespoke a programme specifically for a group of your senior business leaders.
All programmes are backed up with extensive written materials and access to our online support for internal coaches and managers.
To discuss your coach training requirements, please email us or call us on +44 (0)20 7099 0890 to arrange a time to speak to one of our experienced, qualified coaches.