Click here to download our introduction to coaching supervision document.
Coaching Supervision has grown enormously in popularity over the last few years and yet the CIPD Change Agenda on Coaching Supervision says the following:
“.. coaching supervisors are often drawn from psychology, psychotherapy or counselling backgrounds, where supervision has been established longer. But, until the coaching community develops its own definitions, models and theories of supervision, the practice will be limited and coaching supervision will remain “dressed in borrowed clothes”.”
Corporate Potential’s coaches are involved in working in collaboration with various corporations to identify what the role for supervision – and indeed, mentoring – is in corporations.
Bringing our expertise around the coaching competencies and our training in Coaching Supervision into the discussions and looking at best practice within mentoring and supervision, we are creating a new and we think, very exciting approach to Coaching Supervision – from “borrowed clothes” to a “tailored suit” – a suit that will support all of coaching’s stakeholders – the public, corporations, coaches themselves and the future of the coaching profession.
We can deliver Coaching Supervision and Mentoring for you in very cost effective ways. We also deliver training in Coaching Supervision to experienced coaches wanting to develop in this direction.
November 2007 saw the launch of our Coaching Supervision Training Programme in association with the BBC.
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