“I knew when I signed up for the Advanced Coaching Programme it would be fun, thought provoking, stretching and challenging. It was all that and more! Lisa is a generous, wise, phenomenal coach and trainer. My coaching has developed further than I could have imagined – as have I. It’s not only my coaching that has benefited, my whole life has.”
Lynne Healy, Collaborative Community Network
“Thanks again for the brilliant Advanced Coaching Course. Initially it was like a journey but progressively changed to a fantastic voyage of discovery. Discovering not only new skills and applications to use with my clients but also just as importantly discovering more about myself.”
Robin Evans, Robin J Evans Associates
“This programme has now overtaken a previous “Management for Growth” programme I attended a couple of years ago, as the best training programme I’ve ever undertaken. No mean feat, MFG was pretty hot!”
Campbell Ford, Project Manager
“I have attended a number of Lisa’s courses including her Advanced Coaching Course. I find her approach refreshing, dynamic and thoroughly professional. As a result, Lisa and her team will be providing the first Advanced Coaching course for LogicaCMG in 2005 ! I have every confidence it will be a great success.”
JB, Group Director of Coaching, LogicaCMG
“I think this programme really is initiating change from within. As a group of individuals from all over the company, from different background and roles we all shared the belief that we can make it happen. I strongly believe that change from within is the only way forward. Promoting the coaching concept and therefore increasing people’s awareness, confidence and responsibility will make a profound change to the organization. Through coaching there is a chance to get to the heart of potential blockages within people and therefore within the organization plus helping people to go further than they thought they could (the famous lines “unlocking people’s full potential). By supporting the coaching principle the company encourages people to take themselves and the company forward.
From a personal perspective I found the exercises really helpful. I find that I am more aware of how I talk with and listen to people. I would like to think that I have improved my listening skills – at least I am now aware if I don’t listen enough. Reflecting the coaching principles during the course and since then I become more aware of my own challenges and responsibilities. The coaching teleclasses, the supportive reading material, the individual mentoring from the team of Corporate Potential and day to day application of coaching will keep the message alive. With this initiative there is already a new feeling to this company.”
Tamara Peters, Group Human Resources International HR Projects Manager
“This coaching programme will enlighten and enthuse all delegates in a way that they cannot imagine. They will learn how to release the latent potential in themselves, their colleagues and our company as a whole. This programme is a very special event and I would encourage anyone who truly wants to “make a difference” to join the people who really will make it so by attending at the very earliest opportunity.”
John Blain, Business Development Director
“My listening is now much more tuned in to what people are really saying – this applies to my team, my colleagues, my boss and my clients. I’m now less likely to assume I understand what someone is saying and ask them to expand to ensure we really are on the same page. I see people in the context of their potential.
This has had a very positive impact in building rapport with my new team and they clearly feel it. They and other members of the Payroll team recently attended a team building workshop, in which I was able to facilitate using a coaching approach with great results.
I really believe that it will be through coaching and encouraging each individual in the business to fulfil their potential and take accountability for they actions that we will create a truly sustainable market leading business.”
Jackie Barnacle, Head of Client Relationship Management, Payroll Services
“So far the programme has helped me to think about the different ways I can help people to help themselves rather than trying to move to provide the answers / fixes. I have become more self aware of my beliefs and the assumptions that I make when dealing with others.
My aim for those immediately within my business area is to be able to help individuals who are under pressure to take space to work through issues and to work smarter not just harder.
For the wider company I hope that the business will take on a broader view and that a greater sense of corporate citizenship will pervade – that the beliefs and perceptions of how others behave will make way for an approach that assumes the focus is on what may be possible.”
Sharon Britton, Service Delivery & Operations Manager
“One of the greatest benefits of participating in the programme has been the personal journey I’ve undertaken. The programme provided a context which helped me to identify and develop my own personal approach and style, and perhaps more importantly, it provided great insight. You find yourself spending time analysing and reviewing your life and professional and personal circumstances.
As a result I have gained further strength and confidence which is highly rewarding. The methods and approaches that were used throughout this personal development programme provided a supportive environment for me to take the necessary risks enabling me to learn and grow.”
Martin Bushell, UK Consulting
“Your style of ‘teaching’ (although teaching seems an inadequate word to use) is inspirational you make it seem so effortless, enjoyable and simply mind blowing.”
Julia Miles, Life Coach
Our coaches have worked with amongst others:
Coca-Cola HBC
Coca-Cola European Partners
The Coca-Cola Company
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
The Open University
London Business School
One of many
VW Group
Boehringer Ingelheim
Rover Group
Teachers’ TV
Pitney Bowes
Food Lion LLC
L.L. Bean
Hannaford Bros.
Vision Sports & Entertainment Partners
SAS Media AB
PPP healthcare
Universal Music Group
Kingfisher Group
Perpetual Investments
Bristol & West
Westminster Adult Education Service
Northamptonshire Police
GlobalNet Training